Muscle Density And Fat Burning
Our focus here is quality lean dense muscle. I have talked alot about total body exercises and workouts with weight training and kettlebells (the 2 best ways of lean muscle building and fat burning) and different exercises to use. Today Craig Ballantyne is going to show us 3 exercises that can help put the finishing touches to your physique.
One of the training methods I haven’t touched on much here (but will be) is interval training. Interval training is typically done after your weight training workouts or on your off day’s. Now when most people think of doing intervals they think sprints.
I’m not real big on running, just to let you know. There are alternatives to sprinting that in my opinion are more effective and have less injury risk.
As an example higher rep kettlebell swings and snatches are made for total body fat loss and conditioning. Kettlebell combination exercises are great total body exercises. And as far as bodyweight exercises go you can’t beat Burpees.
3 Ways To Do Interval Training At Home
Today, I’m going to show you 3 ways that you can do interval training at home with no equipment. So, forget about the fancy treadmill and elliptical machines, all you’ll need for this workout is a dumbbell or kettlebell for two of the exercises along with your bodyweight.
The first exercise I’m going to show you are Dumbbell or Kettlebell Swings. So, what you will do is perform a series of swings for 30 seconds, and then rest 30-60 seconds, or however long you need, and then repeat that 6 times. A swing is similar to the squat motion, but it involves a lot of power from your hips and not a lot from your arms.
So, holding the dumbbell with both hands against your body in front, place your feet a little bit wider than hip width apart, push your hips back, and then swing up. You should be using a lot of hip power to perform this movement.
To See The Video And Read The Rest Of The Article Please Go To Lean Muscle Gains
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