Sunday, April 17, 2011

Fat Burning And Lean Muscle Gain Workouts

3 Total Body Exercises For Your Fat Burning And Lean Muscle Workouts

By now with the posts I have been putting up you should be aware of the idea of using total body exercises in your workouts. Using the Big 5 as I told you about recently are the fastest and least time consuming exercises for your fat loss and lean muscle workouts.

Total Body Exercises That Burn Fat and Build Lean Muscle <===click here to read the article.

For the ultimate in fat loss and lean muscle building it's not only the exercises you use but how you set up your workouts. Now when it comes to weight training the old bodybuilding workout was do all your sets of one exercise then move to the next. But for lean muscle and to lose fat faster there are better ways.

Today I want to show you a Tri – Set workout that uses 3 of the Big 5 Total Body Exercises.

A tri – set is simply taking 3 exercises and doing them one right after the other. As in today’s workout video.

1) Barbell Squat or Bodyweight Squat

2) Pull – Ups or Dumbbell Row

3) Dumbbell or Barbell Bench Press or Push – Ups

Do your set of squats go right into your pull ups, then right into your bench. Now if your conditioning doesn’t allow you to go directly from one to the other take as short a break as possible.

Use Heavy Weight (what’s heavy for you)

Keep Your Reps between 4 and 8

Keep your Rest Times In between Tri-Sets to about 1 Minute

Do 3 to 5 of the Lean Muscle Building Fat Burning Tri – Sets

Go To Fat Loss and Lean Muscle Workouts to see the video and finish reading the article. Thanks Joe

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