Sunday, May 23, 2010

Building Muscle Workouts Push / Pull For Upper Body Muscle

Push / Pull Workout for Upper Body Strength

Good Morning,

I've got another great workout from Jim Smith from the Diesel Crew and Accelerated Muscular Development.

Here is a recent push / pull workout I did.

I remember the first publication I read specifically talking about the balance required in a workout. It was Alwyn Cosgrove’s The Professional Fitness Coach Program Design Bible.

He specifically talked about you must balance your pressing movements with your pulling movements. Extension movements should balance flexion movements. Rotation with the reverse movement, and so on… It was the first time it was ever explained so simply.

And yes, it can be simple for you and your programs.

If there isn’t a balance of the volume and load (sets x reps x weight) on all movements, then imbalances occur. And that is when injuries happen.

Simply, look for the balance.

Muscle Building Upper Body Workout example 1:

Bench Press, 4×8, 200 lbs = 32×200 = 6400 lbs lifted with a pushing movement.

Bent Over Rows, 3×10, 150lbs = 30×150 = 4500 lbs lifted with a pulling movement.


The bent over rows should be adjusted for volume or weight.

All you would have to do is, change the sets to 4×10 and increase the weight to 160lbs and it will balance.

Bent Over Rows, 4×10, 160lbs = 40×160 = 6400 lbs lifted with a pulling movement.


Or you could do a different technique. You could balance the pressing movement with MULTIPLE pulling movements within the same workout.

Building Upper Body Muscle Example 2

Bench Press (pushing exercise)

Bent Over Rows (pulling exercise 1)

Face Pulls (pulling exercise 2)

Band Retractions (pulling exercise 3)

The goal is to maintain the integrity of the joint, balance the musculature to ensure optimal strength.

Here is the workout I performed with some key tips.

Swiss Bar Bench Press

Key coaching points to remember. Stay tight, chest up and drive the feet down. Try hard not to let the elbows flare outwards. Take a breath at the top and create tension. Hold that tension for the rep. Reset after each rep.

Cage Rope Climbing

This movement is extremely hard on the grip, biceps and back. The rope used in the video is 1.5″ nylon rope and it is anchored to the top bar of the power cage. In the video I also perform a hand over hand kettlebell lift. This movement is easy to setup. Just put the rope over the top of the power cage and anchor to the kettlebell.

Check out my review and more building muscle videos from Jim click Accelerated Muscular Development

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