Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Burn Fat And Build Lean Muscle At The Same Time?

Gaining lean muscle while burning fat at the same time may not be easy but it's also not impossible as some would have you think.

5 "X" factors that determine your ability lose fat and gain muscle at the same time.

Gaining muscle while losing fat is not easy, but make no mistake, it
IS possible.

Now here's the truth of the 5 X-factors, and what they mean for you.

1. Overweight people are LESS likely to lose muscle while in a
   calorie deficit

That's GOOD news!

2. Overweight people are more likely to gain fat while in a calorie

 This makes TOTAL sense, so you have to be careful with diet.

3. Lean people are more likely to lose muscle while in a calorie deficit

 Uh-oh, this also requires extreme care with your diet.

4. Lean people are more likely to gain muscle while in a calorie surplus

  More good news.

5. Lean people who starved or crash dieted are more likely to gain fat
   when initially going into a calorie surplus (fat rebound/overshooting)

 Fortunately, that doesn't apply to everyone, but if it does,
again it just means you have to be extra careful with your diet.

AND so based on those 5 X-Factors...

The criteria for your transformation nutrition program has been set

Read More about the 5 X Factors To Burn Fat And Build Muscle

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