Have you seen Jake Gyllenhall in the movie Prince of Persia?
In case you haven’t seen it, Jake got super ripped AND put on a lot of lean muscle for the movie.
Let’s face facts most of us have this fascination with celebrities (male and female) and the sometimes what we seem to believe are overnight body transformations. Every time a star shows up on screen with some added muscle, and looking lean and ripped we want to know…
How Did They Get So Lean And Ripped?
And you see it all the time “How do I get abs like Brad Pitt in Fight Club?” or “Can I get a Body Like Jessica Biel.”
So How Do The Celebrities Get Those Lean Muscle, Ripped And Trim Bodies?
They put in a ton of work!
Mistakenly most people think there is a Secret to getting the “Hollywood Body”… a secret celebrity workout program… a magic fat burning pill… a super muscle-boosting protein shake… there’s just GOT to be some secret
And believe it or not there is a secret that the celebrites use to get lean and ripped,
So What Is The Secret To The Hollywood Body?
The secret is that hard work and discipline is “the secret.”
In an article published on the Hollywood gossip site Popeater, the title reads, “Jake Gyllenhall’s abs didn’t come easy, says trainer.”
Jake himself was quoted as saying, “it was easy, I got paid for getting in shape.”
Well which is it – was it hard or easy.? Well, when you mean that it’s “easy” to work your ass off when you’re getting paid millions to work your ass off, then the “easy” part makes sense.
But the getting of those abs was NOT easy at all in terms of physical effort, time invested and nutritional discipline.
Gyllenhalls’s trainer Simon Waterson is a former Royal Marine who also helped Pierce Brosnan and Daniel Craig for the ‘Bond’ films. Waterson said turning Gyllenhall into a beefed up warrior in just four months took a lot of mental and physical stamina; Waterson says the average person would have to be “extremely dedicated” to achieve the same results.
According to the popeater site,
“In the early morning, Gyllenhaal would put on a 20-pound flak jacket and run around a park and in the sand — simulating scenes he would be filming in Morocco for ‘Persia.’
He’d then head off to script readings and sword fight training before returning in the evening to start his second round of exercise, resistance training.
The actor would eat six times a day — three meals and three snacks, each of which contained a lot of protein, electrolytes and carbohydrates.”
“He had the luxury of having me around 24/7 for almost a year and even while he was filming,” Waterson says.
“I made sure he trained when he need to train.
He was fed when he needed to be fed.
And rested when he needed to rest.
You have to bear in mind, this was an intensive four months of training.
He was living an athlete’s life.”
Here’s the workout if you’re interested…
The Prince of Persia Workout
Morning Workout
* 1 ½ hours of cardio while wearing a 20lb weighted vest
* 10 minutes of uphill sprint interval training with ab exercises; he repeated
* this sequence 5 times and then performed a 10 minute jog and stretching
Evening Workout
* 1 hour of resistance training including cables, pull-ups, press-ups, and weighted ab exercises
*** In addition to his scheduled workout routines, Jake had to train for the movie as well. He had to learn martial arts, sword fighting, horseback riding, and parkour. ***
Most of those people I mentioned who are interested in celebrity fitness were looking at Jake’s workout routine – the exercises, sets, reps, sequence, schedule, and so on.
I find that interesting myself, But what leaped out at me the most had nothing to do with the actual workout routine itself – I’ve seen people acheive spectacular physiques with all kinds of different workouts, from traditional bodybuilding to circuit training…
What stood out to me was the amount of time he put into his training – the sheer number of hours – and the effort that went into every hour spent.
I didn’t write this post suggesting you try to duplicate Jake’s workout routine… only to make this point…
The secret to a movie star body is the same secret to a bodybuilder, figure competitor or fitness model body… the same “secret”… HARD WORK… and that includes putting in both the effort AND the time.
Movie star bodies aren’t built with “just minutes a day… a few days a week… despite what some internet and infomercial fitness gurus want you to believe.
With almost no exceptions, the best physiques in the world are built with long hours of training and hard, hard, hard work.
Try THIS Secret To A Lean And Ripped Hollywood Body:
Get in there, put in the hours and WORK at it.
Work your butt off.
Work harder than you ever have before… and maybe THIS will be the summer you finally achieve that body you’ve been dreaming of.
You know the lean muscled, lean and ripped body even the celebrities will be envious of.
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