Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Building Muscle And Livin Large

Building Muscle And Livin Large

Muscle Building TV With Vince Del Monte

Vince Del Monte is putting his expertise to work on a weekly video series.

This show will not only show you how to improve muscle growth, how to build muscle, get six pack abs, avoid horrible supplements like force factor… haha… and how to maximize your weight training and muscle building workouts.

In each show you’ll learn how to live large inside and outside of the gym through a main feature covering anything from muscle building training, nutrition, supplementation…

***Vince will cover a 60-second “Rip It Up” segment showing you advanced tricks to execute the best technique…

***”Ask Vince” is an interactive section with his wife Flavia who’ll ask him some of the most popular questions he gets…

***and a segment called “Live Large” which is filmed in real time around exciting and new adventures taking part in his life at the current moment.

Today’s Video Training

Click Here To See Todays Video===> Building Muscle And Livin Large

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