If your goal is lean defined muscle, work on getting progressively stronger without adding size. A great way to do this is to lift for 3-5 reps for 5 sets or so.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Lean Defined Muscle And Muscle Tone
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Lean And Ripped With One Exercise
Some weeks I workout 5-6 days but never more than 40 minutes. And at least 2 of those days are no more than 20 minutes. I want to build lean muscle, lose fat
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Building Muscle And Livin Large
Muscle Building TV With Vince Del Monte
Vince Del Monte is putting his expertise to work on a weekly video series.
This show will not only show you how to improve muscle growth, how to build muscle, get six pack abs, avoid horrible supplements like force factor… haha… and how to maximize your weight training and muscle building workouts.
In each show you’ll learn how to live large inside and outside of the gym through a main feature covering anything from muscle building training, nutrition, supplementation…
***Vince will cover a 60-second “Rip It Up” segment showing you advanced tricks to execute the best technique…
***”Ask Vince” is an interactive section with his wife Flavia who’ll ask him some of the most popular questions he gets…
***and a segment called “Live Large” which is filmed in real time around exciting and new adventures taking part in his life at the current moment.
Today’s Video Training
Click Here To See Todays Video===> Building Muscle And Livin Large
Lean Muscle Gains How The Hollywood Celebs Add Muscle
Today let's look at 5 leading actors and the lean muscle building workouts and diet strategies they used. How did they Gain The Muscle and Get Ripped?
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Olympic Lifting For Lean Dense Muscle
The two Olympic lifts, the snatch and clean and jerk, are awesome exercises to build muscle and power. However, both lifts are very technical and most people don’t have the strength, coordination, and mobility to do them correctly. That’s why I like variations of Olympic lifts – particularly the high pull.
What’s so great about the high pull? First, virtually anyone can do it. Second, it’s an outstanding exercise to build the kind of muscle and power that makes you run faster, jump higher, kick harder and deadlift more weight. Third, the high pull, by nature, is designed to be performed explosively. That, of course, ranks it at the top of my list.
Now, even though the high pull is not a complicated exercise, there are some important technique tips. I think it’s actually better to see this exercise in pictures than video. The reason? The combined extension of the hip, knee, and ankle joints (aka “triple extension”) is the most important part of the lift to get right and it’s easier to see in a still picture.
Continue Reading At Gain Lean Dense Upper Body Muscle
Saturday, March 12, 2011
How To Fight "Bad" Hormones with “Good” Hormones
How To Fight "Bad" Hormones with “Good” Hormones
Lean dense muscle for us that’s what it’s all about here.I hope you have been following along the last couple of day’s as John Romaniello has been telling us about how to beat fat storage. Today John talks about training to beat excess fat storeage. Density training is how John does it.
Density training is fun, challenge-based, burns a heck of a lot of fat, and–most importantly–is one of the best training modalities around for increasing testosterone production and release.
By John Romaniello – Creator of Final Phase Fat Loss
As I’ve covered previously, when you are breaking through a fat loss plateau or trying to get to the Final Phase of leanness, things get a bit murkier than they do with traditional fat loss.
Rather than dieting excessively in order to create a Calorie deficit, we seek to enter into energy debt by way of intelligently designed training protocols.
In addition, keeping energy intake high ensures that leptin levels don’t drop and throw another hormonal monkey wrench into the machinery.
Because, as we know from yesterday’s article, when you’re getting very lean or you’ve hit a plateau, fat loss is not just about Calories in vs Calories out–it’s about your hormonal environment and the way that affects fat storage, and thereby fat loss.
Continue Reading At Density Training To Beat Your Fat Storage problem
Thursday, March 10, 2011
End Your Fat Storage Issues
Like many people, you probably suffer from regional fat storage issues. That is, while you store fat over your entire body, it’s probably most noticeable in certain areas, and it’s from these areas in which we struggle most to lose fat. You know–the problem areas.
These problem areas are influenced heavily by your hormonal environment, and where you store that last bit of fat is determined by which of your hormones are most out of whack (and yes, sometimes it’s quite a few of them).
Today I’m going to talk to you about belly fat specifically.
One of the things that has been talked about quite a bit in fitness media lately is the relationship between belly fat and a hormone called “cortisol.” To put it simply, the higher your cortisol levels, the more belly fat you’re likely to have.
By the same token, if you have a good deal of belly fat, it’s reasonable to assume that you have high cortisol.
Having high cortisol is detrimental for other reasons, but for our purposes, let’s focus on the fact that cortisol is keeping you not-so-little in the middle.
Rather than just suffer through this, the obvious solution is to try to lower cortisol levels and resultantly lower belly fat. And I’ll tell you, lowering cortisol is a LOT trickier than you might think.
I’m sure you’ve seen the late night TV ads trying to sell you anti-cortisol pills. Even if they worked (they don’t), it’s a hormone like cortisol can’t be fooled by a little pill.