Friday, April 9, 2010

Building Muscle Workouts: What Are Realistic Muscle Gains

Good Morning,

I have been telling you about Vince Del Monte's new program Maximize Your Muscle and a number of you have made a very smart move by taking advantage of the $1 trial. Some other's have been on the fence and I'm sorry to say missed the $1 trial. But Vince is now offering a $10 trial (plus shipping and handling). Still a great deal so go check it out.

Okay so let's move on. What are realistic expectations of how much muscle anyone can expect to gain?

I am about to give you the “muscle geek” answer because you have been lied to by the bodybuilding supplements mafia, magazines and fitness industry as to what is actually possible…

They are making it impossible to build a body that gets better treatment by society.

Understanding the truth about muscle is your first step before dealing with your struggle of looking and feeling average and not living in a body you deserve.

Is it 5 lbs of muscle a month? 10 lbs a month? 20 lbs a month?

Why am I asking you this question? Well I just finished a debate with this guy from my gym on “How much muscle can you really build?”

He didn’t believe that I gained 41 pounds of lean muscle in six months and accused me of taking drugs. In his words, “Whatever dude… there is no way you gained 41 pounds of muscle in six months unless you’re taking something…”

I don`t blame the dude for being skeptical. I would be too.

Reliable bodybuilding and nutrition information isn’t that easy to find. Too often, eager for the quick gain, the inexperienced bodybuilder gets caught in the trap of exaggerated claims from the magazines and supplement companies, but I hope that over the next few days you’ll begin to trust me and see that I have your best interests in mind.

Next time this subject comes up with your friends, you will be able to help them set a realistic goal.

Click PLAY To Learn How Much Muscle YOU Can Really Build

Does that make sense? I trust that lesson cleared up that subject once and for all. If for some reason, you can’t watch the video, I teach the lesson below for more clarity:

How Much Muscle Can YOU Really Build?

Most gym rats expect to build LOTS of muscle really fast.

This is a myth. You can NOT build muscle really FAST. The majority of readers, customers and clients I work with have completely unrealistic expectations when it comes to quick muscle building.

I can’t put an exact number on how much you can gain but most people believe that they can build 20 pounds of muscle in three months…

…it’s amazing how many frustrated customers I get emailing me after their first month of training complaining that they only gained 5 or 10 pounds. I’m thinking to myself, “That’s fantastic, what are you complaining about?!”

There is no doubt you can gain 20 pounds of WEIGHT in 3 months, or even one month, but we are not talking about *weight* – we are talking about *DRY MUSCLE.*

Pure muscle tissue. Not water weight. Not glycogen weight.

Pure muscle weight!

There is not a chance in heaven that you will gain 5 or even 10 pounds of dry muscle in one month or even 3 months – not even close. I hate to be the messenger of this bad news but unless you are using growth enhancing drugs…


Many of you might be upset or discouraged about the TRUTH of how much you can actually build, but this knowledge will help you to eat and train with a more realistic perspective.

So how much muscle can your body actually manufacture?

Under the BEST possible circumstances (training, diet, supplementation, recovery) the average male body can create between *0.25 and 0.50* pounds of dry muscle tissue per week.

That’s the natural amount that your body chemistry will allow. So you’re looking at 1-2 pounds of dry muscle each month. Not much?

Well consider what your body will look like 12 months from now with an extra 12-24 pounds of muscle?!?!

Starting to see the importance of consistency?

The Skinny Vinny Transformation Story

Let me put my “Skinny Vinny” transformation into perspective if you’re still skeptical like the dude at my gym. From the first year of high school to the last day of University I lived as a long distance runner. I ran from 50-80 miles a week, was never exposed to heavy weight training and was undernourished eating low quality calories.

Now watch the extreme I went to. I went from running 50-80 miles a week to running 0 miles a week. I went from never doing weights to high weight training three times a week. I went from eating around 2,000 low-quality calories to a 4,000 calorie, high-quality, mass plan.

Going from a scrawny long distance runner to hard core bodybuilder is pretty extreme, and it’s going to produce some extreme results, which is exactly what I experienced. I trust that puts any skepticism in a new light. Also, I did not gain 41 pounds of DRY MUSCLE in six months.

The 41 pounds also factored in the increased muscle which was accompanied by increased glycogen and water storage in the muscles. More muscle equals more glycogen.

Most people can maintain up to 40 grams of glycogen per 100g of muscle tissue. So if you’re gaining 10 pounds of new muscle you’ll consequently increase glycogen storage by around four pounds.

So if you gain 10 pounds of muscle, your scale gain will actually be closer to 14 pounds (if you didn’t gain any fat).

And rarely will someone not gain any fat if they are gaining more than three pounds per month.

So, when you set your goals, clarify in your mind that if “20 pounds of muscle” is your *weight gain* goal or your *dry muscle* goal.

And then put realistic time frames on these goals based on the info I just shared.

If you simply focus on keeping your body fat between 10-13% fat while gaining around 5 pounds per month then it is safe to say you are gaining 1-2 pounds of dry muscle a month with 1-2 pounds of glycogen and water, and hopefully no more than a pound of fat.

Train hard and expect success,

Vince DelMonte, Maximize Your Muscle  $10.00 trial ends on Monday.

I am going to add another point here. What a lot of people don't realize is the difference in your appearance even small amounts of muscle gain have. If you are replacing fat with muscle doing the correct exercises even a 3-5 pound gain in muscle can give you the appearance of adding 10 -15 pounds of muscle.

Think about your waist is smaller (adding muscle burns more fat) add even a very small amount of size to your delts and bang people will take notice trust me.


Thursday, April 8, 2010

Your Muscle Building Edge

I have been telling you about Maximize Your Muscle by Vince Del Monte recently. Hopefully you went and checked it out. If so you know Vince is offering a $1 trial for 30 days. Great deal. bad news the $1 trial offer ends tonight.

Here is a little of what you get with Maximize Your Muscle: (By the way – this is all shipped to your front door!)

**The 2-CD "Blow Beyond Your Genetic Potential" CD
in which reveals the origin of the program, the science plus Vince's inner views on living large.

**The 20-page Phase 1 MYM Print Newsletter and
workout log

**The 2-hour Phase 1 Workout DVD (intense footage shot LIVE at the gym!)

**The Phase 1 LIVE 90-minute coaching call where
you can ask Vince your personal questions about the
program (call will be scheduled after Phase 1 ships)

**Access to the Maximize Your Muscle Members
Only Discussion Forums where you can interact and
get support with other like-minded members doing
the same exact program as you -- This is BIG TIME.

And it all gets shipped to your door for a BUCK ($1). You've got to get in tonight though because Vince is shipping Phase 1 to the 1256 members already signed up on Friday. He wants everyone to start everyone together since this is a curriculum based program.

Plus, the $1 Trial disappears Thursday night.

Get the best techniques for adding muscle to your body without getting fat:

>> Maximize Your Muscle <===== $1 gets you in.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Maximize Your Muscle The Time To Take Action Is Now!

This is a letter I got from Vince Del Monte. If you downloaded his free report that I told you about a few days ago you may have got this too. read it and take it to heart. Because believe me when I tell you Vince does. Does Vince make some money doing what he does from you buying his product? Yes! (but not as much as you might think).

Here is the thing Vince does genually care. He is very committed to helping any and everyone he can. Maximize Your Muscle has been a labor of love and an intense study of getting past your genetics and building the body you have dreamed of.

And That is what Vince really cares about. Helping you get to your muscle building goals. So here is what Vince had to say.

This is a letter that is not like any you have received or I have ever written...

 I believe that YOU are a unlimited being and have unlimitedpotential for unlimited possibilities. Just like champions in life, from any endeavor, you have a physical body and a mind to activate vivid images of how you want your body - and your life - to look.

 There is something absolutely incredible about you.

 Not only can you walk, talk, think and breath but you can buildsomething great with the potential you have. What are you going to build with the rest of 2010? You could build a business, a house, a relationship, a career, atrip or the greatest physique you have ever revealed. Do you have the COURAGE to start today?

 I'm tired of "thinking about it" Lets give it a shot! CLICK HERE>>> Stop sitting on the side lines. Get in the game. Refuse to let others get what they want while you stand by and watch. The world has way too many people living in rocking-chairs andnot enough people JUMPING IN with both feet and going for it.

 As you build your dream body and life, your family members,friends and work colleagues will be inspired by your passion andenthusiasm to want more in life than the norm. It's people like you who have the chance to make the world abetter place. Did anyone ever tell you that you have a real greatness insideof you? Has it ever dawned on you that this greatness deserves to berecognized by you? What are you waiting for? The year 2020? Can I count on you, to ACT TODAY? YES! I'm going to START TODAY.

Take home message: You have untapped and uncommon potential and you owe it toyourself to challenge that potential. What is a goal that is important to you in 2010? Building thebody you desire and deserve? Today is the time to put yourpotential towards that goal. Anyone you know who has aworld-class body has made the decision you're making now. It pains me to think that people live lives that are not areflection of their true potential.

 It makes me sad. What ashame. What a waste. Refuse to live life defeated. Whether you struggle from pastfailures, bad habits or negative thinking - it's never too lateto turn a corner and start doing what others consider impossible. I urge you to take this golden opportunity to try MYM for a low-risk $1.00 30-day trial and see for yourself the dramaticincreases in muscularity and leanness.Maximize Your Muscle <<<<<<< Join Us Today Make Today "The Day"! In 2-days 831 new members have joined Maximize Your Muscle with apositive belief system to create greatness within themselves.

 I am so, so excited to coach these unique individuals and help themrecreate themselves, reinforce good habits and beliefs and makesure they are on the right path. I am confident that each of them will achieve their goals and a few of my super elite transformations will earn a spot to befeatured in a future phase of Maximize Your Muscle, all expensespaid to the destination of the filming. Nothing like a little competition to bring the best out of anyone.

 I hope you take this message seriously and JOIN US before midnight tomorrow so that you can challenge your potential and then blow beyond it. So what are you waiting for? Give me the word, by signingup and you can feel the life-changing results it will bring.That's a personal promise you can take to the bank. Let's make 2010 a special year for you! Youdeserve to give yourself the BEST. I Have Nothing To Lose And So Much To Gain!"

Until next time, Vince Del Monte  Maximize Your Muscle.

Building Muscle Workouts 3 Tips To Maximize Your Muscle

3 Unique Muscle Building Strategies To Trigger New Muscle Gains

by Vince Del Monte -- Maximize Your Muscle

This article is going to show you 3 more methods that are usually untapped by most when trying to gain new muscle...

* High Frequency Lifting *

The reason it works: If you could train a muscle group 50 times a year or 150 times a year, which would get you better results? 150 - assuming you are recovered before the next stimulus on the muscle.

How to make it work: train each body part with up to 3-4 workouts per week. But you must manipulate the weights, exercises and rep ranges. You will not lift heavy weights 3 days in the week all on the same muscle group or else the joints and nervous system would be overtaxed.

Methods you can experiment with: An example is training a body part 3 times in a week, while incorporating a heady day, medium day and a light day; using all different exercises, sets and reps. Here's an example using chest:

On Monday you do a power day of 4 sets of 6-8 reps, 2 minutes with bench press. On Wednesday you have a hypertrophy day of 3 sets of 8-10 reps, 90 seconds rest with Incline Dumbbell Press. On Friday you do an endurance day of 2 sets of 25, with 30 seconds rest, for Decline Chest Flys.

* Flexion Training *

The reason it works: hit each muscle group from three different angles each workout.

How to make it work: For your first exercise you hit the bulk of the muscle fibers with a mid-range mass-builder exercise, which would be a multi- joint/compound movement. Shoulder Presses, Bench Press, Squatting and Deadlifting are all perfect examples.

Your second exercise would target the muscle from a stretched position – a very vulnerable angle that forces a lot of untapped fiber recruitment. An incline bicep curl is a great example.

Your third exercise you select a peak- contraction exercise, which challenges the muscle to contract against resistance. This further helps activate every single muscle fiber without over fatiguing or over killing specific movements of a muscle (a very common mistake). A tricep kickback is a great example of a peak contraction exercise.

Methods you can experiment with: When you split up your body- parts, I see very little reason to incorporate more than 3 exercises per body part. Each body part should have a mid-range movement, a stretch movement and a contraction movement to maximize all the muscle fibers and prevent overtraining. A killer bicep workout would only include standing barbell curls, incline bicep curls and concentration curls.

Positions Of Flexion is the most sensible way to organize your exercise choices instead of the shotgun way of just picking a multitude of exercises for a body part without any specific reason.

* Unilateral Lifting *

The reason it works: it’s harder for the body to recruit the growth muscle fibers during bilateral movements than during unilateral exercises. Beginners often hit a plateau because of an inefficient nervous system so they can’t recruit the high threshold growth fibers. People with longer limbs experience the same difficulty in recruiting their high threshold motor units.

How to make it work: incorporate 3-week training blocks of pure unilateral (one arm or one leg at a time) movements to better recruit the nervous system and ultimately improve the recruitment of the high threshold motor units when returning to bilateral movements.

Methods you can experiment with: Don’t drop all of your bilateral work and use this method sparingly, especially if you’re not a beginner or have shorter limbs. Here are unilateral exercises to target each side independently or alternatively: alternating lunge, 1 leg-curl, 1-leg deadlift, 1-leg squat, step ups, 1-leg hop, 1-leg press, 1-leg stiff leg deadlift, 1-leg back extension.

Better training and regular inclusion of unilateral training will optimize bilateral training and maximize the high threshold motor units for growth.


Go to Maximize Your Muscle right now to take advantage of Vince's $1 offer to get his incredible Maximize Your Muscle Program (including the workouts, the manual, the audio CDs, and the killer DVDs showing you all of the techniques to take your muscle gains to the next level.

This $1 Trial is only available until Thursday April 8th! I promise that you'll love this!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Building Muscle Workouts Maximize Your Muscle Is Live

Maximize Your Muscle is LIVE!

But it won't be open long...

Very shortly Vince will SHUT DOWN the site for another 4-months, which is why he is totally hooking you with the most SHOCKING offer

Vince has ever made you... IF you qualify...

"Yes, You May Be Surprised That It's NOT Impossible To Win The War Against Your Genetics, And You Can Prove It To Yourself For $1 (plus s/h) With The First Edition of the New Maximize Your Muscle System—Specifically Designed to Exploit All TWELVE Unique Targets of Bodybuilding to Make Certain 2010 is Your Most Muscular Year EVER."

This is truly a gift for action-takers who want to blow beyond their genetic potential and take their body and life to a whole new level and make plateaus a thing from the past.

Suppose that's NOT you, please leave your kit on the shelf for someone else who is more serious and qualified.

Let me stress: please be sure to see if you even QUALIFY and meet Vince's 2 requirements to come on board because frankly, membership in the MYM monthly series is NOT for everyone.

Fact is, when Vince released MYM to 100,000 people in January, he had 957 people sign up, which PROVED this only appealed to VERY SERIOUS people prepared to make a continuous level of commitment.

Do you qualify?

The opportunity to MAXIMIZE YOUR MUSCLE is not for guys who sporadically workout or rejoin the gym off and on. This is not for you if show up late, slide out early, cheat your rep counts and hold anything back. Do Not Try Out The First Phase if you just can't get your shit together.

This may only be for the top 1% of my readers who are really serious. We're not trying to hit your genetic potential… we're crashing through your genetic limits and taking your gains to a whole new level!

Maximizing Your Muscle requires a continuous level of commitment. This is serious. We are serious. We are serious body builders dedicated to packing on intimidating size by exploiting all TWELVE unique targets of bodybuilding


If you're looking for an advanced monthly muscle routines and exclusive coaching to grow beyond your genetic limits… keep looking… THERE IS NONE!

Until now!

You may think you've tried every program to build muscle, but until you target all twelve anabolic targets with Maximize Your Muscle, you're not even close to having a perfect physique.

For $1 to try it what could you possibly lose? Maximize Your Muscle  <= $1 gets you started to your best body ever!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Building Muscle Workouts Your Chance To Maximum Muscle Building

I have been telling you about Vince Del Monte's new program Maximize your Muscle (you did download his FREE report I Hope). Well Vince is opening the doors to Maximize Your Muscle with a trial offer for $1. Take advantage of this opportunity to blow past your genetics and let Vince train you.

At last build muscle and burn fat to get that head turning body. Let me now turn it over to Vince and give you more info.

Here's My Promise to You When You Try Out The First Phase in the Maximize Your Muscle Monthly Series...

Never Again Will You:

Just lift weights and hope good things happen. No longer will you just work a little harder and hope your muscles grow.

Believe that declining or slowed progress is normal. No longer will you experience disappointing weight training results forcing you to conclude you are the owner of bad genes.

Settle into a complacent maintenance mode. Face it, most guys know their workouts are not reinforcing muscle growth but they continue with random workouts out of fear they will lose size if they try something different.

Follow a training program without even considering why it should work. It's no wonder so many are dissatisfied with their results and just whine and complain and make excuses.

Rely on programs that have the plateau built right into the program! No longer will show up to the gym and crank out training sessions blindly in hopes of good results.

Let me share the details:

Each month's issue of Maximize Your Muscle is a 20-page hardcopy newsletter that will include a brand new advanced muscle routine that will put you on a collision course for getting muscular faster than ever. Here's what you get in each 20-page hardcopy newsletter:

1. Advanced Muscle and Secrets and Science. Each month we'll target 1 of the 12 anabolic targets that have the greatest impact for muscle growth. Most guys are lucky if they are hitting 2 or 3 of them.

2. One-of-a-Kind Advanced Muscle Routine. This months' featured workout is called, 100 Rep Muscle which I have never mentioned or revealed until now.

3. The Achiever Mind-Set: Not only are you going to learn how to blow past your genetic potential in the gym but also out of the gym so you can fulfill your potential in all areas of life - in your schooling and/or profession, your relationships, your fiances and lifestyle. You'll see how I've achieved some massive goals by the age of 30.

4. The Supplemental Edge: Discover what supplements are necessary to prime your body for maximum growth before you even step food in the gym. This is beyond my basic protein, creatine, multi, and EFA recommendations.

5. Muscle Meals In Minutes. Each issue will include a brand new dietary ritual, anabolic muscle meal and advanced strategies to prime your body to become a muscle building and fat burning machine.

6. Vinny's Inner-Views: This newsletter goes beyond just the physical. I'm going to take you beyond your overall potential in life.


 By pulling back the curtain to reveal my inner views which brought me success in all areas of my life: Family, Friends, Faith, Fitness, Fiances and Fun... (and with my fiance Flavia :) ) You won't find a bodybuilding or fitness author go this deep anywhere else in the world. I have a feeling this part of each issue will be your favorite section to read each month!

Each month you'll also get a 2-hour DVD! I will be sending you the lynchpin of the whole system to begin your advanced muscle training and man is it going to blow you up!

Rarely is there anything "new" but 100 Rep Muscle is truly revolutionary for so many reasons you'll read tomorrow.

Plus each month I've include the real difference-maker... it's interactive, that's all I'll say and you can read that tomorrow too.

Lastly I'm sending you something super cool and stylish to store your collection of monthly workouts in so that you can stay organized and motivated.

I'm also sending you a 2-Disc CD-Set called Blow Beyond Your Genetic Potential which reveals everything about the 12 anabolic

targets that make up this system.

You're probably wondering how much this investment is going to be! How much it's going to be to get a world class fitness champion and author as your own personal coach. I recommend you make a decision BEFORE you see the investment tomorrow. This can be your little test to see how serious you really are.

Tomorrow, when you see an email addressed, "I need your mailing address," make sure you close the door and read the entire page uninterrupted because I'm looking for the right people to work with and I have 2 requirements to even try out this program.

You might not even meet the requirements... Everything will be explained on the website tomorrow and I really hope you have the courage to try this out.

To blowing beyond your genetic potential in 2010,

P.S. Remember, I only have 1000 kits made. I picked this number because I have a readership of 100,000 and I figure only my top 1% will go for this.  I anticipate all 1000 units will fly off the shelves....FAST. Don't hesitate tomorrow but PLEASE make sure it's right for you before joining. Have a great day.

The $1 trial offer ends at Midnight on Thursday and becomes $10 so take advantage of this Now

Building Muscle Workouts 5 Solutions To Build Muscle

5 Solutions to Skyrocket Muscle Building Results

By Joel Marion and Vince Del Monte

In the last two articles we’ve laid out 6 of the biggest reasons you may not be experiencing the results you DESERVE from your muscle building efforts, including:

1. Lack of frequency

2. Not enough “room” for muscle to grow

3. Muscular imbalances

4. No “down time”

5. Nervous system inefficiency

6. One-dimensional training

And today comes the fun part. Today, we’re going to FIX all of the above problems by providing you with some dynamite solutions to set your muscle building results on fire.

Are you ready? I hope so - let’s jump right in.

Solution #1: High Frequency Training

As mentioned in the previous article, the more you can stimulate a muscle to grow, the more it will grow. Revolutionary, I know.

But as simple as that sounds, so many people are still stuck training a muscle group once a week, and so many others don’t have a clue on how to effectively up the frequency of their training…so today, we’re going to provide you with some real solutions.

That said, what exactly are the major components to effective high frequency training?

1. Utilize a full body or half body approach (ie. upper body vs. lower body split)

2. Vary the stimulus with each session

And essentially, that’s it.

Here are two examples, one with a full body approach and one with a half body approach:

* Full Body Approach *

Day 1 - Full Body (6 movements, 4 x 10)

Day 2 - Full Body (6 movements, 10 x 4)

Day 3 - Full Body (6 movements, 3 x 25)

Day 4 - OFF


* Half Body Approach *

Day 1 - Upper Body (5 movements, 4 x 10)

Day 2 - Lower Body (4 movements, 4 x 10)

Day 3 - Upper Body (5 movements, 10 x 4)

Day 4 - Lower Body (4 movements, 4 x 10)

Day 5 - OFF

Day 6 - Upper Body (5 movements, 3 x 25)

Day 7 - Lower Body (4 movements, 3 x 25)

Day 8 - OFF


With the above two approaches, you stimulate each muscle group via multiple set, rep, and volume ranges throughout the week, up to 5 times weekly. The results are PROFOUND when compared to once weekly training. Seriously, if you’ve never done this type of training, get ready to experience, see and feel the results after just one week.

Solution #2: Loaded Passive Stretching

In our previous article we talked about fascia tissue being a limiting factor for muscle growth due to its lack of elasticity and regulatory feedback. We also mentioned that this tissue CAN be stretched, although few people know how to nor take the time to do it.

And here’s the best part: it requires ZERO additional time in the gym as you can do it between your work sets.

The technique, known as loaded passive stretching, is intense, deep stretching done while muscles are already in a “pumped” state to facilitate the stretching of the fascia tissue in order to create more room for muscle tissue to grow.

This is NOT normal, passive stretching. This is deep, heavy stretching done with an external load.

As an example, a loaded stretch for the pecs would be to: after a set of dumbbell bench presses, grab a pair of moderately heavy dumbbells and sink into the bottom position of a dumbbell fly. Now hold that position, not relaxing and not contracting, allowing the weight to stretch out your pumped pecs. Repeat the stretch in between sets of any chest exercise you do, up to five times per workout, but only when your chest is in an already “pumped” state (several sets in to an exercise).

This type of stretching is NOT fun and it can be rather painful, but it’s also very rewarding. Of course, should you try it, be mindful of the difference between “proper” pain and “injury” pain.

Solutions #3: Specialization to Correct Muscular Imbalances

The issue of muscular imbalances and regulatory feedback was discussed in our previous article as well, and the ideal solution here is to effectively “specialize” any lagging or weak body parts to balance out antagonist muscle inconsistencies. For example, if your pecs are overpowering your back, you’ll want to take some time off from training pecs directly (perhaps only doing a few heavy sets per week to maintain strength) while heavily concentrating on your back.

Here’s one example way to do this:

Day 1 - Full Body Workout

Day 2 - Back specialization

Day 3 - Full Body Workout

Day 4 - Back specialization

Day 5 - Light back recovery

Day 6 - OFF


Bringing up lagging body parts is essential to your muscle building success while avoiding stalled results due to regulatory feedback, or even worse, injury. Start incorporating it today.

Solution #4: Structured Deloading

While frequency is important, it’s not possible to go “all out” and maintain that level of intensity while training frequently all the time. This is where structured deloading comes in.

Two of our favorite deloading protocols are:

1. The “Off” Week - Once every 3 to 4 months, take a week completely off from resistance training

2. The “Light” Week - Once every 4 weeks, half the total volume of the previous 3 weeks

For example, if you were doing 4 movements @ 4 sets of 10 for your main training cycle, for the deloading week you’d then perform 2 movements for 2 sets of 10.

Structured deloading allows you to go HARD during the “on” weeks without burning out, and also allows recovery time to set you up for “supercompensation” once your next training cycle begins. Supercompensation is just a fancy way of saying “take some time off, and then to compensate, your body will have an even greater adaptive response when you return to your normal training.”

Go hard and then back off; it works like a charm.

Solutions #5: Multi-dimensional Training

If you want to hit each type of muscle fiber along with each type of muscle growth, you need to break away from one-dimensional training by varying the stimulus given to your muscles by using a variety of training methods. Here are just a few different ways to activate different fibers and growth responses:

* Heavy Training

* Light Training

* High Volume Training

* Increased Time Under Tension Training

* Lactic Acid Training

* Density Training

* High Threshold Motor Unit Training

* CAT (compensatory acceleration training) - fast/explosive movements

* Varied Tempo Training

* Rest-pause Training

* Superset Training

* High Intensity Training

And the list goes on and on.

If you’re looking to truly MAXIMIZE your muscle and achieve the fastest results possible, then your training program must be comprehensive. It must target the full spectrum of muscle building stimuli, and unfortunately, most trainees only manage to target one or two.

Hello plateau.

Multi-dimensional training yields multi-dimensional results.

Go Now and Download Your FREE Report Maximize Your Muscle Building

Friday, April 2, 2010

6 Reasons You’ve STOPPED Building Muscle, Part II

6 Reasons You’ve STOPPED Building Muscle, Part II

By Joel Marion and Vince Del Monte

Training your butt off but not really getting anywhere? Put on “some” muscle, but can’t seem to add any more? Simply not progressing fast enough? If you can relate to any of those scenarios, then you’re going to love part 2 of this article as we’re getting ready to unleash three more BIG reasons why you’ve stopped building muscle.

Reason #4: No “down-time”

Did you know that strategically taking time OFF from your training (when done in a very specific way, and when strategically setting up the rest of your training to benefit from it) can actually lead to MORE muscle growth?

It’s very true.

Simply put, your body performs and responds best when it’s pushed and then is given time to recover. Let’s face it, you can’t go full-out, “balls to the wall” 100% all the time. That leads to burn out and overstimulation.

But you can learn how to cycle strategic periods of “down-time” into your training, either by scheduling time completely “OFF” every so often, or by using “lighter” training periods within your training cycle.

Utilizing this one tactic alone will have a profound effect on your results, and we’ll show you how to do it properly in tomorrow’s article.

Reason #5: Nervous System Inefficiency

Fact: You’re NOT going to gain muscle unless you can stimulate muscle tissue to grow with loads challenging enough to induce an adaptation response—and sadly, most people simply aren’t.

Why? Nervous system inefficiency.

Perhaps the most important thing you can possibly do when it comes to building muscle is strengthen your nervous system connection. You see, your nervous system controls:

•how fast your muscles contract

•how hard your muscles contract, and

•how many motor units you’re able to recruit

Amongst other things.

An efficient nervous system leads to faster, harder, stronger muscular contractions.

An inefficient nervous system leads to slower, weaker, haphazard muscular contractions.

Can you guess which one is going to lead to more muscle?

Fact is, most people’s nervous systems aren’t efficient enough to allow them to use loads heavy enough to adequately stimulate their muscles to grow. And when the stimulus is lacking, trust us, the results will be lacking as well.

Fortunately, we’ll be back to teach you an easy way to fix this tomorrow. Stay tuned.

Reason #6: Your Training is One-Dimensional

Did you know that there are three types of muscle fibers? (Type I, Type IIa, and Type IIb)

Did you know that there are two types of muscle growth? (Myofibril, the “protein” portion of muscle cells, and Sarcoplasmic, the “fluid” portion of muscle cells)

Did you know that you need to strategically train in a very specific way to stimulate each ONE of these 5 pathways, each of which requires a differing training stimulus?

Did you know that there are at least 7 OTHER pathways to stimulate the generation of calorie-burning lean muscle?

Most people don’t, which is why most people fail to unlock more than 80% of their muscle building potential.

To make an analogy, let’s imagine that you’re trying to grow your bank account, and your sole method of doing so is depositing your bi-weekly pay check into a checking account.

The number will continue to rise on a slow, steady basis.

But, what if that money was in an interest bearing account? What if you took some of that money and invested it in 3 or 4 or 10 different places? What if you set up a side business that was generating even more money to deposit in to that account?

Do you think that over a period of 6 months you’d have SUBSTANTIALLY more money than if you continued to solely rely on the “paycheck deposit” method of growing your bank account?


Similarly, there are MANY ways and avenues and pathways to stimulate and generate muscle growth, and if you’re hoping to experience optimal growth, you need to be utilizing all the different pathways.

And in tomorrow’s article, we’ll share several methods to ensure you’re hitting multiple pathways with your training.

Wrap Up

Alright, there you have it - 6 of the biggest misconceptions surrounding muscle growth and some BIG reasons why you may not be experiencing the lean muscle building results you’re after, but don’t worry, you can “fix” all of these problems, and we’ll be back tomorrow to share a bunch of solutions.

Stay tuned.

Maximize Your Muscle Building <= click the link to get your free 37 page muscle building report.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Building Muscle Workouts 6 Reasons Your Not Building Muscle

6 Reasons You’ve STOPPED Building Muscle, Part I (Today 1-3)

By Joel Marion and Vince Del Monte

Training your butt off but not really getting anywhere? Put on “some” muscle, but can’t seem to add any more? Simply not progressing fast enough? If you can relate to any of those scenarios, then you’re going to love this 2 part article as we’re getting ready to unleash six BIG reasons why you’ve stopped building muscle.

Reason #1: Lack of Frequency

The old adage of training a muscle once per week to allow for recovery is DEAD. If you’re not training a muscle multiple times each week, you’re simply NOT going to make optimal gains, period.

But, let’s go back and dissect the “reasoning” of this whole philosophy.

If you train, and train hard, you’re likely to get sore. Conventional wisdom tells you that you should wait until you’re no longer sore to train again. Unfortunately, conventional wisdom is faulty here.

You see, if you don’t train your body to improve it’s recovery capacity by training when you’re sore, then you’re body has no reason to improve it’s recovery capacity.

Want to train a muscle 3 times per week and reap double or triple gains? Then you need to teach your body to recover faster by training more frequently.

Beyond that, let’s further bury the myth that training a muscle while sore hampers recovery.

•Nosaka K, Clarkson P.M. Muscle damage following repeated bouts of high force eccentric exercise. Med. Sci. Sports Exrc., 27(9):1263-1269,1995.

•Smith LL., Fuylmer MG., Holbert D., McCammon MR., Houmard JA., Frazer DD., Nsien E., Isreal RG. The impact of repeated bout of eccentric exercise on muscular strength, muscle soreness and creatine kinase. Br J Sp Med 28(4):267-271, 1994.

•T.C. Chen, Taipei Physical Education College, and S.S. Hsieh, FACSM,. The effects of a seven-day repeated eccentric training on recovery from muscle damage. Med. Sci. Sports Exrc. 31(5 Supp) pp. S71, 1999.

All 3 of these studies came to the same conclusion: training a sore muscle does NOT adversely affect recovery. In fact, when done properly, doing so can actually speed up the recovery process by shuttling nutrient rich blood to recuperating muscle tissue.

Here’s the deal: The more frequently you can stimulate a muscle to grow, the more it will grow. Sounds simple, and it is.

One small caveat, however: obviously when upping training frequency you can potentially run in to the problem of “overreaching” or burning yourself out. The important thing is to listen to your body and train as frequently as possible. If you’re motivated to train and feel “good”, then have at it.

Reason #2: You’re muscles don’t have enough “room” to grow

Huh? Not enough “room”? Allow us to explain.

All muscle is bound by connective tissue called fascia, which surrounds individual muscle fibers (endomysium), groups of fibers (perimysium), and entire muscles (epimysium). This fascia tissue is continuous with the tendon and functions to conduct the forces generated by the contractile proteins actin and myosin through the tendon, to the bone.

Here’s the problem: these “protective coverings” that surround all muscle tissue lack elasticity. Meaning, when a muscle grows and fills the “bag”, trying to shove more muscle into the same size bag becomes difficult.

Think of a hot water bottle that holds 16 ounces of water. Now fill it with 20 ounces of water. Go ahead; do it!

What do you mean you can’t?

You see, no matter how hard you try to fit 20 ounces into a 16 ounce hot water bottle, it aint gonna happen, not unless you somehow stretch the bottle so it can hold more water.

Well, it’s the same thing with fascia tissue; it can only hold in so much muscle, and when the lining gets full, the rate of growth is dramatically decreased.

Enter “regulatory feedback”.

Essentially, you very well may be stimulating your muscles to grow through proper diet and training, but if the surrounding fascia tissue is not expanding at the same rate, you can bet your bottom dollar that your brain will respond by putting the kabosh on growth.

Fortunately, there are several things you can do to “stretch” this fascia tissue and avoid this form of regulatory feedback — we’ll teach you those in another article this week.

Reason #3: Muscular Imbalances

While we’re on the topic of regulatory feedback, it’s fitting to address another major initiator of R.F. activity, and that’s muscular imbalances.

Simply put, your body wants things to be symmetrical and even, and when they aren’t, it will prevent further adaptations from taking place that will ultimately throw things even further out of whack.

For example, let’s say your training is full of pressing movements, which has caused your chest to experience significant growth. On the other hand, you don’t do a whole lot for your back…no rowing or heavy pulling movements, leaving your back rather weak and underdeveloped.

The body’s response: no more growth until you bring your back up to speed.

And this is true across the board, over virtually all muscle groups.

Have you ever seen someone with huge biceps and puny triceps? No, it simply doesn’t happen because your body doesn’t let it happen.


One is the issue of injury. Large pecs and an underdeveloped back put a huge strain and pull on the back and result in poor posture and ultimately injury, especially if things were to get really out of whack (which the body won’t allow).

The other is the issue of symmetry. It’s almost as if your body wants to prevent you from looking like a moron. Thank you, body. It won’t let your biceps grow too much beyond your triceps, even if you work your biceps every day.

Bottom line: you need to correct imbalances to prevent regulatory feedback from stopping you dead in your tracks. We’ll share some strategies for correcting imbalances in another article later in the week.

Wrap Up

In today’s article, we discussed several reasons why you may not be getting it as fast as you want it.

Bottom line, there ARE things holding you back from building muscle, and in order to achieve your goals you need to understand and learn how to correct each one. If you don’t, it’s going to be a long, frustrating road, and that’s the last thing we want to see you deal with.

As mentioned, in another article this week we’re going to provide practical and strategic solutions for all the “problems” mentioned in this 2 part article. Today we covered 3 biggies, and in Part II  we’ve got 3 more coming your way.

Until then, train hard and train smart.

Building Muscle Workouts for a FREE report click here => Maximize Your Muscle