Subject: Muscle Building Specialization Tips and Secrets(+ $100 for YOURS?)
I'm going to make this quick because a friend of mine, Jeff
Anderson (you may know him as the "Muscle Nerd"), sent me over
this email last night asking me to get the word out on some
great training he has coming up this week.
Not only that, he's actually willing to PAY YOU for taking
part in the training!
No, not with some downloadable report...he's giving out cold
hard ca$h!
I'm pasting a copy of the email he sent me below so you can
check out all the details.
Here you go...
====== Pasted Email From Jeff ======
Yo! I need you to do me a favor, ok?
On Monday, October 5th, I'm launching my very LAST
bodybuilding program ("Muscle Specialization Secrets").
Basically, it's a full-blown MEGA PACKAGE that reveals a unique
training new method I've fine-tuned over the last 4 years for
taking even the most FRUSTRATING muscle group and forcing it
to kickstart new growth.
...ANY muscle will bend to your will! ;-)
This is actually the same program I've used with my clients and
even some pro bodybuilders who needed to bring up lagging body
parts and it really works like crazy!
Anyway, this is my first PHYSICAL product I'm putting out (DVD,
Manual, buttload of CD's, etc.) and I wanted to see if you
could help me get the word out, ok?
Would you mind sending out the following information to your
newsletter subscribers to let them know?
You can just forward the information on to them so you don't
even need to write anything extra.
LOTS of cool stuff for them beginning TONIGHT (including a
chance to get paid $100 each night this week) so please let
them know ASAP, ok?
Muchas gracias amigo! ;-)
Here are the details...
1. 6 Nights Of A *LIVE* Online TV Show!
Every night (starting TONIGHT) I'm broadcasting a LIVE TV show
on a special "private access" blog I've set up just for the
topic of "muscle specialization".
I'll be sharing my BEST TIPS for each muscle group, PLUS I'll
be taking personal questions and offering training advice.
This is a PRIVATE broadcast and if you're reading this email,
it means that YOU'VE been invited to take part.
All you need to do to get the VIP ACCESS PASSWORD is go and
sign up at:
Click To Get Access
You can join in from ANYWHERE in the world and listen in for
free using your computer's speakers or headphones.
Each night covers a different muscle group so you'll definitely
want to listen in (and watch)!
2. Read Other People's Tips...Share Your OWN!
I KNOW that there are a TON of "underground muscle nerds" out
there who have been holding back on their own "secrets" they're
using in the gym.
Well, I want THEM to cough 'em up!
Each day will cover a specific muscle group and I'm asking ANYONE
who thinks they have some unique training advice to share to POST
It can be...
==> Something you discovered on your own through your training
==> Something a friend or trainer showed you
==> Something you pulled out of a 1985 issue of Flex magazine
...I don't care!
If it works and it's "cool"...let us hear it!
PLUS, as my "thank you" for contributing...
3. Each "Tip" Is An Entry To Get $100 Each Day!
Each night, on my LIVE TV SHOW, I'm going to pull out of a hat the
name of someone who contributed a training tip.
The more tips someone submits, the more slips of paper with their
name on it in the hat.
Whosever name I pull out, I'm going to send that person a check
for 100 SMACKERS!
No strings attached...just grab my money and go!
6 muscle groups...
6 chances to offer as many tips as you like...
6 chances to take my money!
PLUS, for even MORE recognition...
4. FREE eBOOK: "101 Bodybuilding Secrets"
I'm putting together a special "compilation" book filled with the
most unique training methods I and my team of deputy "muscle nerds"
come up with.
If I choose one of your comments on the blog then I'll give you
full credit for submitting it.
You'll NEVER have to suffer a boring social life again when
everyone hears you're an "accomplished author" in a bodybuilding book!
Ok...probably not...but it may impress your parents! ;-)
The catch is, ONLY those who sign up for access to the blog will
get a free copy of the program!
So you MUST go and sign up NOW to contribute to, and GET a free
copy of, the upcoming book when it's released.
Just go to:
Click To Get Access
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
How To Build Muscle Fast: 41 Tips Today 18-25
How To Build Muscle Fast: 41 Tips Today 9-17
How To Build Muscle Fast 41 Tips
Muscle building expert Vince DelMonte has helped over 20,000 skinny guys and consults with fitness experts all around the world on the most critical and supporting elements to build muscle mass and to experience consistent muscle growth.
In this article, Vince unmasks his own secrets that he used for building 41 pounds of steel-solid muscle in only six months – without any drugs or steroids, without bogus supplements, and while training less total hours than before.
In just weeks, you can make the same life-changing transformation. Find out his advanced muscle building strategies on how to build muscle, fast!
Whether you approach your physique as a hobby or a job, you should not leave any element to chance and hope it works. In order to defeat plateaus and forge a ripped and muscular body you need all the tips and tricks you can get. None of these techniques will work alone but by combining as many together as possible you’ll see a huge difference in your muscle growth – faster than before.
18. Consume a variety of whole eggs, chicken, lean beef, fish and whole-milk throughout
the day for high quality (bioavailable) muscle building protein.
19. Use a training partner for motivation and an extra push to experience faster muscular
20. Never train hungry if you want to build muscle fast.
21. Concentrate your carbohydrates when your body needs them most – breakfast, pre
workout and post workout.
22. Ensure you do the squat and the deadlift each week to increase the release of
growth hormone and testosterone.
23. Hire a personal trainer if you have never received professional coaching on
technique and form.
24. Stretch at least half the amount of time that you lift. If you lift 3 hours a week,
schedule at least 1.5 hours of yoga or static stretching.
25. Train a muscle group through it’s entire range of motion to stimulate muscle size.
Go To Sensible Muscle Building to learn more about Vince and how you can gain muscle
Friday, September 11, 2009
How To Build Muscle Fast: 41 Tips Today 9-17
How To Build Muscle Fast: 41 Tips Today 9-17
How To Build Muscle Fast 41 Tips
Muscle building expert Vince DelMonte has helped over 20,000 skinny guys and consults with fitness experts all around the world on the most critical and supporting elements to build muscle mass and to experience consistent muscle growth.
In this article, Vince unmasks his own secrets that he used for building 41 pounds of steel-solid muscle in only six months – without any drugs or steroids, without bogus supplements, and while training less total hours than before.
In just weeks, you can make the same life-changing transformation. Find out his advanced muscle building strategies on how to build muscle, fast!
Whether you approach your physique as a hobby or a job, you should not leave any element to chance and hope it works. In order to defeat plateaus and forge a ripped and muscular body you need all the tips and tricks you can get. None of these techniques will work alone but by combining as many together as possible you’ll see a huge difference in your muscle growth – faster than before.
9. Focus on exploding up on the concentric portion of your movement and taking 3-4
seconds for the eccentric portion of your program.
10. Aim to build at least 5-6 pounds of lean muscle mass each month. Anything more will
be fat gain.
11. Eat at least 10-15 serving of fruits and vegetables each day.
12. Focus on compound movements for 80% of your workouts.
13. Alternate between dumbbells and barbells every 2 weeks.
14. Only change an exercise when you plateau on two workouts in a row.
15. Enter a fitness model or bodybuilding show or transformation contest to keep you
16. Follow a program for at least 12-16 weeks before trying your next one.
17. Pyramiding your sets to consistently increase your strength 5% each week.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Understanding Your Training Foundation
Understanding Training Foundation
By Charles Staley, B.Sc, MSS
Director, Staley EDT Training Systems
Although people engage in fitness and sports activities for various reasons, the fact remains that they are inherently physical activities.
So whether you exercise for stress reduction, weight loss, or sport, it makes sense to train in a manner which is consistent with accepted training principles and methodologies. Doing so will make the outcome of training less haphazard and more predictable. It will also enhance the appreciation of movement one should derive from any form of physical activity.
As all coaches know, mastery of a sport is accomplished by developing a foundation before progressing to more advanced levels of training. As accepted as this principle is, many people possess only a vague understanding of what this means in concrete terms. The purpose of this article is to expose the reader to foundational training concepts derived from the world of sports science. And while you might not be a competitive athlete, I believe you can benefit greatly from recent developments in sport science.
One such development comes from Dr. Tudor Bompa, former Romanian rowing coach and currently a professor at York University in Toronto, Canada.
Bompa has developed a useful schema called "The Training Factors Pyramid,"* which can be used to develop long term training plans, based on a foundational progression of factors over time.
The Training Factors Pyramid helps to identify a logical sequence of training factors, and can be used by athletes and fitness enthusiasts alike to identify objectives and evaluate training programs and methods. When problems develop, as they inevitably do, The Training Factors Pyramid can be used to determine what level these problems originate from, which speeds up the corrective process considerably.
The pyramid consists of four ascending levels. The athlete enters the pyramid at the first level—physical preparation. This level is the cornerstone of an athlete's training, because without it, further progress is impossible. Physical preparation refers to the development of what sports scientists call "biomotor abilities"— strength, power, speed, balance, flexibility, agility, endurance, and coordination.
The second level of the pyramid involves technical preparation— or perfecting physical techniques. While some techniques can be mastered with a low level of physical preparation, many cannot. Many currently popular recreational sporting activities, such as in-line skating and rock climbing, to name two, require a fairly high level of physical development before many skills can be practiced.
Of course, technical mastery is not the final objective, for any athlete. We all know of athletes who have beautiful and "correct" techniques, but who lack the ability to apply them in a sport setting.
This brings us to the third level of The Training Factors Pyramid: tactical preparation. Tactics simply refer to the ability to successfully apply techniques in a sport situation. It should be obvious to the reader at this point that technically sound technique must be established before entering level three. Further, the athlete must have a high level of physical development before correct technique is possible.
The fourth and final stage is called psychological preparation—a very important consideration for athletes who hope to compete successfully. But clearly, psychological preparedness— let's just call it confidence— cannot be established if the athlete has not successfully ascended through the previous three levels.
How can The Training Factors Pyramid be used in an everyday, practical setting? Let's suppose you're a serious recreational beach volleyball player, and you're having problems with your spike. The first step is to determine whether or not you can execute a technically correct spike in an isolated situation (i.e., in practice).
If the answer is no, then we go down a level and try to find faults your physical preparation— perhaps you lacks adequate explosive strength to clear the net. Once your physical attributes are improved, you should be more successful in delivering the spike in competitive situations.
If the answer is yes (you can deliver a proper spike), the problem lies in either tactical or psychological development. Both areas are closely intertwined— a lack of tactical skill can obviously impair confidence. And vice versa. Athletes commonly progress well through physical and technical training, but falter in tactical/psychological realms. The solution is more time in the trenches, with careful progression through gradually more difficult encounters. When tactical successes begin to outweigh the failures, confidence increases along with tactical ability.
Although the four training factors have been isolated for the sake of discussion, in reality, they must be integrated if a successful outcome is desired.
For example, is a serve a technique or a tactic? At novice levels of play, it is primarily technical, but at high levels of skill, techniques and tactics are one and the same. Also worth noting is the fact that the direction of influence is not only ascending, but descending as well. For example, the techniques you'll use affect the physical preparation you'll need to do.
Aside from day to day considerations, The Training Factors Pyramid should also form a template for long term planning, as well.
Accordingly, the first several months of training should be dedicated to improving physical attributes, although simple technical and tactical skills may be presented as well. The second phase of training is characterized by developing technical mastery of your sport skills. Physical condition must be maintained, but this involves less work than it took to develop it. Advanced stages of training target tactical and psychological concerns, with comparatively less time spent on physical and technical development.
While achieving mastery in sport involves years of hard work, those years yield far more result when they are spent wisely. The time you spend developing your foundation is miniscule compared to the time it takes to correct long-entrenched errors from years of poorly-conceived and executed training.
About The Author
Charles strength/performance coach...his colleagues call him an iconoclast, a visionary, a rule-breaker. His clients call him “The Secret Weapon” for his ability to see what other coaches miss. Charles calls himself a “geek” who struggled in Phys Ed throughout school. Whatever you call him, Charles’ methods are ahead of their time and quickly produce serious results.
Click here to visit Charles' site and grab your 5 FREE videos that will show you how to literally FORCE your body to build muscle, lose fat and gain strength with "Escalating Density Training," Charles' revolutionary, time-saving approach to lifting that focuses on performance NOT pain.
EDT Training System
Saturday, September 5, 2009
How To Build Muscle Fast: 41 Tips Today 1-8
How To Build Muscle Fast 41 Tips
Muscle building expert Vince DelMonte has helped over 20,000 skinny guys and consults with fitness experts all around the world on the most critical and supporting elements to build muscle mass and to experience consistent muscle growth.
In this article, Vince unmasks his own secrets that he used for building 41 pounds of steel-solid muscle in only six months – without any drugs or steroids, without bogus supplements, and while training less total hours than before.
In just weeks, you can make the same life-changing transformation. Find out his advanced muscle building strategies on how to build muscle, fast!
Whether you approach your physique as a hobby or a job, you should not leave any element to chance and hope it works. In order to defeat plateaus and forge a ripped and muscular body you need all the tips and tricks you can get. None of these techniques will work alone but by combining as many together as possible you’ll see a huge difference in your muscle growth – faster than before.
1. Begin with 3 full body weight training workouts every 48-hours.
2. Take your body weight in pounds and multiply it by 15 to determine your daily caloric intake if you want to gain weight.
3. Perform only 1 exercise per body part each full-body workout but perform a different exercise for each body part every workout. By the end of the week you’ll have hit each muscle group three times from three different angles.
4. Consume carbohydrates in a 2:1 ratio to protein after your workout in liquid form.
5. Perform each set to muscular failure.
6. Use a training journal and track your progress.
7. Drink at least 4-6 liters of water each day.
8. Vary your rep and set schemes more frequently than any other training variable.
Read more about Vince DelMonte and his program at Sensible Muscle Building
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
How To Build A Ripped, Rock-Solid Chest
Everyone wants a huge chest, plain and simple.
It is all too common to see inexperienced lifters slaving away
on endless sets of bench presses and cable crossovers in search
of full, thick pecs. The reality is that there is nothing
complicated about building an impressive chest.
The bottom line for huge chest gains is consistency, effort and
steady progression in weight and repetitions.
To stimulate the chest using weights you will be using one of
two motions: a press or a flye. If you want the greatest bang for
your buck from your chest workouts, the true gains lie in your
pressing movements.
Here are the most effective lifts for packing muscle onto the
1) Flat/Incline/Decline Barbell Bench Press
A standard barbell press is the meat and potatoes of any
effective chest routine. This basic compound movement will allow
you to handle the most weight through the given range of motion.
The incline press will shift more of the stress to the upper
region of the chest while the decline does the opposite,
targeting the lower/outer region. The flat bench press works the
upper and lower regions equally. I highly recommend a standard
barbell press as a basic component of your chest routine.
2) Flat/Incline/Decline Dumbbell Press
Dumbbell presses are another basic and highly effective movement
for stimulating chest development. The main advantage that they
have over the barbell is that they allow you to move through a
more natural range of motion, helping to prevent shoulder
They also prevent strength imbalances from occurring since one
arm can't cheat for the other.
3) Wide-Grip Dips
An amazing movement for the chest that is often overlooked. Make
sure to use a wider grip and lean forward to shift the stress
from the triceps onto the pectorals.
If pressing your own body weight is not sufficient then you can
always add resistance using a weight belt.
**Sample Chest Routines**
Chest Routine# 1
Flat Barbell Bench Press: 2 sets of 5 to 7 reps
Incline Dumbbell Press: 2 sets of 5 to 7 reps
Wide-Grip Dips: 2 sets of 5 to 7 reps
Chest Routine# 2
Incline Barbell Bench Press: 2 sets of 5 to 7 reps
Wide-Grip Dips: 2 sets of 5 to 7 reps
Flat Dumbbell Press: 2 sets of 5 to 7 reps
All sets should stay within the 5-7 rep range and should be
taken to concentric muscular failure. Write down the details of
each workout you perform and focus on progressing in either
weight or reps from week to week.
If you want full, thick pecs, that’s all there is to it!
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